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Location Intelligence

Empower your organization with Fluid’s dynamic Location Intelligence services. Create geospatial data in real-time to better understand the ins and outs of your business. Identify bottlenecks in your business ecology, digitally tag equipment to easily locate and secure against theft, monitor workflow, and much more with Fluid’s Location Intelligence service.

  • A comprehensive, top-down view of the movement of your organization.


  • Review geographic data to make informed decisions in real-time.


  • Optimize routes to increase efficiency and improve your service.

Location Intelligence offers a multi-pronged approach in both the short and long term to create new revenue generating opportunities for your organization. In the short term, increase efficiency through managing mobile device permissions across your areas of operation with Fluid’s dynamic Geofencing service. In the long-term, Fluid’s analytics service will identify new revenue generating opportunities while also identifying cost-saving measures within your organization using Geospatial data. See why companies the world over are integrating location intelligence into their organization with Fluid Mobility!


Location Intelligence Industry Points:


Manage mobile devices with localized permissions with Geofencing.



Optimize routes for emergency vehicles.

Logistics Optimize supply chain and reduce delays with deliveries.



Reduce inventory with real-time visibility on parts and materials.



Manage mobile data usage, saving money and increasing efficiency.



Complete fleet tracking and monitoring by Fluid’s geo-location program.



Improve short and long term decision making by identifying hidden trends and patterns within your organization.

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